Help me name my farm animals
Mods: My post has been removed from two other 40k subreddits. I'm really hoping that this is the place that will allow it to stay up. Its a fun topic for a good cause. PRETTY PLEASE.
Ok, this will probably be totally confusing to how it relates to 40k at first, but stick with me and I promise it'll make sense by the end.
Ok here we go.
My mom received a terminal diagnosis about 4 yrs ago. They gave her 2-13 years. While that might sound terrible, the truth is that it was a relief, as before that she was just deathly Ill for mysterious reasons, where as after there was understanding and treatment options.
After the diagnosis, I asked my mom what she wanted for the rest of her life. She said she wanted to raise chickens and pigs in the woods. Additionally, her doctors told us that we needed to get her to the cleanest air possible (her issue is pulmonary). So, we started looking for a place to move to.
I sold everything I owned and we started looking for property that fit the bill. The goal was to combine our resources and buy a place where we could live in separate houses on the same property.
It took us a few years, but eventually we found the perfect place- 24 acres close to the coast with a barn and pasture. We got a near miraculous deal. We truly couldn't ask for anything more (even if it is a fixer upper). Over the past year we've started raising chickens, pigs, goats, etc. We're living the dream.
One of the only stipulations I made mom agree to during this whole thing is that I was to be allowed to name at least one of each litter of every species of animal with a 40k- themed name.
And so it was that, upon noticing that one of our boars was aloof, physically unyielding, and stoic, I named him "Dorn".
Dorn and his lady just had their first litter of piglets. I've picked the one I want to name.
So anyway, my fellow heretics, y'all wanna help me name some farm animals? maybe even help me come up with 40k- themed name for our farm that mom might have a chance in hell saying yes to? (Already tried pitching "Lupercal Farm", but it was dead on arrival).
Anyway, to start things off, we have our first decision: The piglet (pictured) . Below are her defining characteristics for your consideration. If you leave a recommendation, please leave an accompanying reason why you think it fits. My intention is to do a second post of the "finalists" as a poll for people to vote on. If this works, there will be more animals to vote on, as well as possibly the name of our whole operation.
The piglet:
has far more spots than her siblings
is longer and thinner than siblings
is the last to ween off milk, to the point where she's almost refusing to eat solid food, and instead spends all day climbing all over her mom, trying to get at a nipple
is extremely, shockingly independent- at just a week old, she was taking off on her own to go on adventures across the field. Consequently, she:
frequently gets lost and can't find her way back to her family
is found sleeping in weird places
Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks everyone! THE EMPEROR PROTECTS
TL/DR: Help me name my piglet with a 40k-themed name that reflects her unique attributes.